Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Review: Vain by Fisher Amelie

My 5 Star Review
of Vain
By Fisher Amelie
The Cover of Vain with the Beautiful Sophie Price
 Vain sat on my TBR list for a while before I read it. I kept seeing great things being said about this book, but my TBR list is a mile long as I guess most avid readers' are and I just hadn't go to it yet. Fisher Amelie ran a sale on Vain and I decided to snatch it up then and finally read it. Let me just say that I am so glad I didn't put it off any longer.

In the beginning of this book Sophie Price was nothing more than a rich bitch with a horrendous take on life. Although, she knew her behavior was horrid, she continued to life that way. She was a gorgeous girl on the exterior, but on the interior she was hurt and angry, which was a direct reflection of her ugly attitude.

It doesn't take long for her delinquent behavior to catch up with her and ultimately lead to an experience that changes her forever. Sophie was the epitome of selfish, self-centered, and self-righteousness. The type of person in real life that makes me nauseous and I steer clear of at all costs.

In many ways I can't hold it against her too much because she had self-concerned parents who did not 'parent' her. She learned her behavior from the example they set for her. Mix in the angry emotions she felt towards her parents for 'not' loving her, for 'not' being there for her, and paying her very 'little' attention throughout her life... and the results were, Sophie Price: this beautifully mess of a mixed up girl who had low self-worth, displayed promiscuous behaviors, treated people horribly, and experimented with drugs and alcohol.

When she is sent to another country to serve time for her wrong doings she has no idea what she is in for. 

For me this is where the book really began. I don't want to give too much information away because I believe it is important not to take away from your reading experience by exposing you to too much information in my review.

The story is touching, heart-warming, and puts things/life into perspective. 

I'll give away just a tad of my thoughts about her time in the other country...

I love how Sophie is taken by Mandisa and claims her much like a mother claims their children. That alone made me really love the person Sophie was becoming.

Another favorite part of the story I loved: is how Ian often referred to Sophie by her full: Sophie Price. In the epilogue that changes, which made my heart smile.

Okay, okay, that's enough...

This truly is a beautiful story. I recommend it to ALL!

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