Sunday, January 27, 2013

Review: Crossfire by Laura Bradley Rede

5 Star Review
(The Darkride Chronicles) 
by Laura Bradley Rede
I love this GORGEOUS Cover!
My Review(my personal views and opinions pertaining to Crossfire):
I'm going to start off by saying Crossfire is AMAZING! I absolutely loved loved loved this novel!
It grabbed a hold of my psychi and held it captive, pulling me into the supernatural world. When a book can have that affect on me, where I'm not just reading the book, I feel like I'm actually living it, it's pretty darn awesome!
Crossfire is the continuation of the paranormal novel Darkride. It picks up right where we left the characters in Darkride, in Ander's van heading to Maine.
Each of the characters have well defined characteristics, which makes it easy to form a connection with them individually. I connected with most of the characters, being particularly fond of Cicely & Ander, but they were all fantastic in their own way.
Characteristics that I felt each of the characters embodied:
  • Cicely- strong willed, loving, and faithful, willing to stare in the face of danger in the name of love, never letting go or giving up 
  • Ander- brave, considerate, and strong(physically & emotionally), willing to put his desires and life on the line to ensure the safety of the ones he loves
  • Luke- dapper and debonair, willing to go to great lengths for the women he loves
  • Emmie- caring, generous, and likable, willing to fight in someone else's war to save the lives of friends & strangers
  • Five- mysterious and vague, willing to help her friends discover their future, but not selflessly  
  • D.J.- naive and moody, willing to do what ever it takes to be on top
  • Naomi- warm, loving and optimistic, willing to take big risk to find the love she lost
Naomi is a new character, one we didn't meet in Darkride. I have to admit, she annoyed me with her actions, but towards the end of the book my feelings began to shift, by the end she fully redeemed herself in my eyes. Although, I never could completely dislike her because she was extremely helpful and a safe haven for the other characters, for that I had to give her respect and appreciation.

I formed an attachment to Cicely, anything or anyone who threatened her, rubbed me the wrong way. I wanted to defend and protect her, but Ander & Luke had it under control.

The one character that I wasn't able to connect with was D.J. Although I felt sorry for him in a sense, his behavior and actions (one in particular) were the reasons I really couldn't like kid.

Crossfire is beautifully written, full of passion and emotion. Laura Bradley Rede did a wonderful job tying all the loose ends together, making the story complete. I was so pleased with the ending, even as I read the acknowledgements at the end of the book, I felt emotional. It is obvious that Laura puts her heart and soul into her writing, as a reader you can feel it through the characters and storyline.
I am a fairly new reader of the paranormal/supernatural/fantasy genre. I now completely consider myself a fan. I never imagined that I would view a vampire bite as sensual, but that's exactly what I felt when Luke bit his love interests. Vampires and Werewolves are absolutely *Swoon-Worthy*! Ander & Luke fit that mold perfectly!
As I read through Darkride and Crossfire I began to perceive an alternate meaning from this story, it really came together for me at the end of the novel: That we as a people can come together, setting our differences aside, accepting, trusting, believing in, and loving each other and by doing so, together we can accomplish unimaginable feats.
Darkride & Crossfire(The Darkride Chronicles) are absolute must reads! I cannot say enough about how much I enjoyed these novels.
Favorite Quote:
"No one would blame you for guarding your heart, Ander. You've lost a lot of people in your young life, and you don't want to lose any more. And yes, if you love her, you may loser her, tomorrow or next week or eighty years from now. You will. But you will never really lose her because you let her in. You loved her. And we never really lose what we truly love." <3 ~Danny

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and wht does kill you makes you invincible." ~Five
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1 comment:

  1. So do I love the cover..Nice review too.I follow you on FB and I shared about the giveaway..Thanks!!
