Title: Blossom
Author: Jennifer Martinez
Genre: Young Adult
Release Date: July 5, 2013
My name is Maia. I'm a princess, a fae princess to be exact.
But I don't want to be. See, my whole life, I've always been the center of
attention, and I've never understood why. Give me boring, ordinary, and simple
any day. It's hard enough trying to work my way through high school. Add
running a kingdom to that? Yea, not so much.
Magic, mystery, fairies. I just want to pass driver’s ed.
Review Pending...
Being that Jennifer recommends Blossom for anyone 9 years of age and up, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for my eleven year old daughter to read and review a book for my book blog, since she is curious about the book blogging process. She hasn't completed the book yet. I want her to read on her own free will and enjoyment, and I feel as though putting a time restriction on her is not fair, and would likely take the enjoyment out of reading for her. So, I haven't pressed her or rushed her to finish. She's reading it at her own pace, and once she's finished, I will post her review for all to read. Thanks for your understanding. :)
Book Links:
Purchase Links:
Amazon--> http://amzn.to/1bzAqKu
Barnes and Noble--> http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/blossom-jennifer-martinez/1115934148?ean=2940148273431
Author Bio:
One day while slaving away at her monotonous day job,
Jennifer Martinez found her true calling. Like a firefly in the night, the
pages called to her. Once she caught the bug there was no stopping it. Her
fingers flew furiously across the keyboard winding tales of love, mystery and
anger. She snapped out of her reverie to find herself still behind the desk but
at least she knew who she was… Author Jennifer Martinez.
I like to think of myself as a beautiful conundrum. When I
am not writing, I can be found surrounded by my amazing family and 4 dogs or
volunteering at a local animal rescue. I love who I am and don’t mind at all
when I get strange looks from people. I am a tattoo covered, child and animal
lover who looks forward to destroying peoples preconceived notions of what
“someone like me” would be interested in. You only live life once… you may as
well make it interesting.
I love to get lost in a good book and hope that everyone
will get lost in mine.
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